It is difficult as an artist to convey the intended meaning of a creation to any audience. This is made more difficult by the perception that most will misunderstand and many will simply lack the will to understand. In truth I believe that art has meaning ascribed to it by its observers which could be different than the intention of the artist who created it yet is equally valid. In order to indulge any curiosity my fans might have I have made an effort here to make my interpretation on my art known. Despite this I wish not to ascribe any concrete meaning to any of my songs and it holds true that it means what it means to you. -Syon Grey


Lightless is about changing the world around us to reflect what we have in our hearts, our perfect vision of what the world could be. It is about forcing all of the evil out of the world so that the everyone left here can live in peace and harmony. It describes a sort of meditation magic, causing the world around one to melt into shadow and re-emerge as a tranquil paradise devoid of strife and suffering. Its music qualities were crafted to impart upon listeners the feeling of being at peace and existing in what could best be described as an altered state free of malice and blight. It has a very trance-like feel and I wished for it to be almost hypnotic.


Immortal Incantation  

Immortal Incantation is a love song. It expresses several different sentiments from the perspective of myself towards an object of my affection. The verse is in effect a proposition stated as poetically as possible that describes both physical and emotional passion. I realize how cold that description seems but there was no other way to put it. The chorus urges my love to not sabotage the beauty of the connection through fear or hesitation. There is also a plea woven subtly into this appeal for her to sip the nectar of love carefully lest she drink too fast. 

Immortal Incantation.mp3


Bloodlust is my war cry of hope against events and cycles that seem so fucked up that they make it hard to believe there could possibly be a benevolent force secretly protecting our world. The first verse essentially is poetry lamenting the suffocating feeling of being without love. The second verse is a shot against deceivers and betrayers and the chorus is a prayer for the power to vanquish such malevolent foes. This song has a trance-like feel mixed with some heavier more metal-esque riffs. Its interesting how the guitars and the vocals have conflicting styles in this song as a person who once commented on my music pointed out. The vocals are for the most part a soft ballad while the instrumentals are heavier and basically metal.



Illumina is my favorite song of all times and shall forever remain so. It is a story of love, passion and mystery. It tells the tale of our protagonist clad in a black cloak, he sets off into the night on a quest for spiritual enlightenment. He encounters an angel waiting in the forest and she makes a solemn plea for compassion. The hero is moved deeply by her words and they fall in love, essentially though the story continues. 


 Elegant Disaster

Elegant Disaster is a tribute to a past band which I was blessed to be a part of creating and the culture surrounding them which is very dear to my heart. It is a light and dark story woven together with many branching paths of reality that are explored within it. It tells the story of the triumph that is our destiny and how it is obscured by the dark clouds of sinister possibilities.  The chorus is laden with contradictions which was the theme of our project and coincidentally is a perfect metaphor for what ultimately unfolded during the period of time that Elegant Disaster was alive.

Elegant Disaster.mp3

Jet Black Rose 


For anyone who has been scorned in some evil way in a relationship this is my song for you. This song is very personal for me and the verses describes poetically a chain of events that I have been subjected to in far too many romances. Though the meaning of these lines is quite literal the words have been purposefully obscured to describe the basic elements that are common to the many times this has occurred. The chorus is quite simply the message that I wish to send to those who have so cruelly inflicted such heart break. May karma be swift and wise in her retribution.

Jet Black Rose.mp3

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