Syon Grey's real name is Ryan Weddle who is also me... I originally began publishing content under the name Scion of the Dragonphoenix in August of 2007. Due to the name being too long and difficult to remember I adopted the name Syon Grey in late July of 2013.

It is my ambition to deliver music to the world that has true passion. It is my belief that much of the music produced in America and possibly the rest of the world has become hyper-commercialized. The focus is no longer on music or the artists and "pop hits" are mass-produced, cliche and devoid of any true emotion or soul. True musicians seem to be hiding in the shadows while puppets masquerade in the spotlight rehashing tired and shallow points with recycled stock instrumentals and thrashing about wildly to distract the audience from pondering the fact that the whole thing is a complete sham. This disturbing trend will continue until people stop buying this crap and start going elsewhere.

Now lets continue on with some history about Scion of the Dragonphoenix...

Shaded Beams of Light was the first album released by Scion of the Dragonphoenix. It remains on the internet and as physical copies disbursed throughout the region; however, it is quite different than my current material. I recorded Shaded Beams of Light on Audacity, a USB condenser mic and an acoustic guitar. The creation of Shaded Beams of Light was more or less a training exercise and many of the songs were intended to be concept recordings as opposed to commercial products. At some point this content will be made available for fans who are interested in exploring the dark past of Scion of the Dragonphoenix.

Crystalline Dawn is the second album I produced as Scion of the Dragonphoenix. It took two years to write and produce and each song features multiple guitar tracks, bass, synthesized drums and layered vocals. The release was much higher quality that Shaded Beams of Light yet still does not do the music true justice. The most recent version of Crystalline Dawn is available on multiple websites including this one. The release was limited at first; however, at this time the album should be listed under the music section of this site in its entirety.

I am currently working on a series of videos of acoustic versions of most of the songs that I have written up to this point. I am also in the beginning stages of recording an acoustic album which will include a selection of my newest material and select older songs.

If i can enhance the life of even one other person in some small way with my art it will have been all worth it.

- Syon Grey



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